Carnivora Earth Greens
Carnivora Earth Greens
Increase nutrition, rejuvenate and strengthen your pets overall resistance to disease or for recovery from disease processes.
EarthGreens is especially recommended for pets that require more specialized supplementation due to cancer or immune-related disease processes. Preventative supplementation with EarthGreens can also benefit healthy pets and optimize their well-being. EarthGreens contains a comprehensive, nutrient-dense blend of concentrated fruits, vegetables, plant nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics and standardized herbal extracts.
EarthGreens provides Antioxidant protection from carotenoids, proanthocyanidins (OPCs) and various phytochemicals - Cellular activation through vitamins, macro and micro minerals in their most bioavailable form - Immune support through standardized herbal extracts, live enzymes and cellular antioxidants - Probiotic and prebiotic enhancement replaces and generates healthy bacteria, using a complete blend of acidophilus, bifidus and synergistic co-factors.
Suggested Serving: 1-10lbs: 1/8tsp 10-25lbs:1/4 tsp 25-50lbs:1/2tsp 50-100lbs: 1 tsp